The exact cause of such an affliction is unclear, though the final outcome is known with a grim certainty. Some seek a tranquil end, others fight to the end.
The origins of the Cursed Felians, if they even exist at all, are shrouded in mystery and conjecture. Most sources agree that they appear generally human in form and are unbound by the effects of the mortal realm. Rituals are rumoured to exist, perhaps found in the dark corners of the world, that allow the passage of such beings into this reality.
Legend suggests that Cursed Felians may draw from the realm beyond ours, manipulating time against their enemies. A single fragment of an antediluvian tome made the entirely unsubstantiated claim that the Cursed Felians could consume the soul of other beings or grant fragments of their own soul to others. These are likely, however, to be mere fabrications of primitive peoples seeking to scare one another beside the campfire.
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