Quests are sorted by category, namely Main Quests which drive the story and Side Quests which explore different aspects of life in Sabu and the world of Carnal Instinct.
Present yourself to the Anubites to join the Priestess' harem.
Uncover ancient, sacred vessels hidden by the followers of Bast.
Travel to the Shrine of Anubis and begin your journey to follow the path of the Jackal.
The Priestess Attendant Nepthys, has requested that a ritual vessel be recovered from the Tomb of Q'Tesh.
The Watch have asked me to search for a thief that's been plaguing the docks. I should ask around to try and track the thief down before confronting anyone. The various tradespeople are a good bet, one of them must have seen something.
Ranno of the Merchant's Guild has tasked you with locating his missing shipment. It's not certain you're searching for but apparently you'll know when you lay eyes on it.
Mesahtnofret the Scribe asked you for your help to stave off Kethra's Curse and save the Village of Kusma.
While passing through the farmland you have discovered a dead body, this appears to be mutilated and villagers are gathered in the area. You should probably investigate...
You came across a guard captain named Medjai who was being attacked by bandits. After saving him, he told you that one of his guards from Wayfarer's Respite has gone missing, a centaur named Amycus. You agreed to help search for the missing guard and rescue him if possible.
Investigate a mysterious shrine and discover the secrets of the demigods.
Nessos is a stubborn brute, you'll have to outsmart him if you want to... ride the pony.
Havar from the docks is looking for a mate, and he only has eyes for Mehlva.
Djeda's Naga, Toses is in heat, let's see if she needs help fertilizing her eggs.
Khaba has told me of ruins that supposedly house a gateway between this world and The Void. Laughed off as a children's story by Esi, perhaps this place really is a door to a place beyond reality.
Help Dhasha to unlock the mysterious keystone with an ancient ritual.